Grace Christian Park is a Drug and Alcohol FREE PARK! Volunteers to help with the building and setting up of the park, is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

About Us

We Americans work extremely hard to earn our wages. Yet, we pay our taxes responsibly. However, instead of using our taxes to facilitate us, our government uses them to fund unnecessary international political projects. We want America to be No.1 in research and technology. However, our government has only eyes for the military. It’s pretty hypocritical of them because they talk about peace and harmony all the time. This is not what America stands for. We are a country known to always stand for what’s right. We used to invest in technology, research, and the overall betterment of humanity. But what happened to all that?

The media wants to make us believe our government is doing a great job. However, they are merely using Americans’ taxes to fuel their political and power-hungry agendas. We cannot let this happen. Since recognizing what is wrong is the first step towards making things right, we deserve to know and impart the uncensored truth. This is what our news website stands for!

Maddie Morning News

Our website is not just bringing accurate and unbiased news to you. Instead, we are bringing solutions that were once considered outdated back to America – except this time with an innovative twist!

We want to re-establish the values our recent money-hungry governments have abolished. There are many things we Americans see daily, things that are wrong. However, biased news websites and channels never talk about such things as by doing that, they expose the government’s corrupt tactics. America is the greatest country in the world. However, we have lost our respect in recent years due to such leaders.

Maddie Morning News has a vision. We want to unite all Americans and build a platform where we only share facts. We want all Americans to raise their voices against socio-political evils and bring about a much-needed change in our country.

Join Us in Bringing a Change

We Americans live in an illusion that we have freedom of speech. However, in reality, our voices are always controlled by private and government organizations. If you post a video on a streaming website about the government’s corrupt policies, it will get removed immediately. If you post anything against the government on a social media website, they’ll instantly remove your post. The government is passing laws and investing heavily in military and international political affairs without the consent of its taxpayers. This should not happen in a free country where people have the right to speak up against corruption and other false practices. The government lies to our faces, and sadly, we have not been able to do anything about it.

Enough is enough! At Maddie Morning News, we will press the government by exposing their lies and presenting the truth. We are also launching a social platform where people can share their thoughts, experiences, and news without fearing censorship. We have built a friendly community of Americans who want their voices to be heard, not muted by some billionaires. We are also launching a petition platform where you can raise pressing issues and gain the support of your fellow Americans.

We Spread Love

Americans are some of the most generous communities in the world. We accept people from different parts of the world and work with them. However, our image has been tarnished due to our government’s actions. Our tax money is being used for violence, not development. We have to snatch the ruling power from a few globalists and give it back in the hands of the American people. We have to spread love and use our taxes for development and research. Let’s bring back the values that America was known for!

Are you a patriotic American who wants to raise their voice and bring a change? Then, sign up on our website.


Maddie Morning News shall not be held accountable for any post or opinion on our website. These are the views of our users, and we do not endorse them. We believe in freedom of speech, and users are free to post their opinions on our platform. If you find any post offensive, contact us, and our team will look into the matter for you.