Grace Christian Park is a Drug and Alcohol FREE PARK! Volunteers to help with the building and setting up of the park, is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

Our Voting System for amusement only

America is an example for other countries to follow for democracy. Our constitution is also the best in the world. However, to make sure America progresses well, we have to make an informed choice to appoint an honest government, ready to work for our country’s development. While we citizens have many rights, we also have certain responsibilities towards maintaining our country’s democratic standards. Looking at how difficult lives are for people living in communist countries, we should be glad we have the right to choose the people who will lead us. Here, we will discuss how our esteemed followers can vote for their preferred choice.

Voting Process

Our website users get the opportunity to cast votes for their preferred candidates. Our admin will list all the candidates for a category like:

  • Candidate 1
  • Candidate 2
  • Candidate 3
  • Candidate 4
  • Candidate 5
  • Candidate 6
  • Candidate 7

Users can choose as many candidates as they want (more on the hierarchy in the following section). However, the minimum number of choices for each user is two. Therefore, you cannot make a single selection for the vote.

Initially, the admin will “rank” the candidates in no special order to avoid bias.

Voting Hierarchy

No matter how many candidates you choose, you need to “rank” them based on your preference. For example, if you select three candidates, you need to assign a number to each in order of your choice. So, for example, you can choose Candidate 5 as your 1st choice, Candidate 3 as your 2nd choice, and Candidate 1 as your 3rd choice.

You can do this for all candidates, too.

Voting Calculation

Once our users have cast their vote, we calculate the results in multiple rounds.

For the first round, we check which candidate has been ranked 1st by the most users, who is chosen 2nd, and so on. Then, the last candidate is terminated from the round. Now, for the people who chose the eliminated candidate as their first choice, their vote will automatically shift to their 2nd choice. The ranking will shuffle based on the new results.

The next round will be the same as the first. Candidates will be eliminated, and their ranking spots will change until only one is left. Users can also comment on the office anonymously, and others can agree or disagree.

Please note: The comment box is limited to 245 characters for each response.

What We Allow Our Users at Maddie Morning News

If you’re a user at Maddie Morning News, we give you the following benefits:

  • You can post news about America
  • You can request to create an office
  • You can notify fellow users if there is a new bill, law, or rule that is up for a public vote
  • You can agree or disagree with the bills, laws, and rules via comments anonymously

At Maddie Morning News, we believe users have more freedom to share their true thoughts without hesitation when they are anonymous. This is why we post all their comments without their name.

Please note: If you place a formal request to create an office, our admins will receive it on their email and dashboard. And they will process it. Please be patient during the wait, as our admins often have many requests to sort through.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in the posts on this platform belong to the original author. They are not the opinions of the owners, affiliates, or employees at Maddie Morning News.