Grace Christian Park is a Drug and Alcohol FREE PARK! Volunteers to help with the building and setting up of the park, is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

Protest Freely with Maddie Morning News

With the first amendment comes the freedom for Americans to say what they want. And this acknowledgement of our God-given right to free speech allows us to protest freely for any cause. But it’s not so easy to do so in modern America anymore. In the current political climate, Americans are under threat from restrictive laws and censorship that prevent us from using our right to speak freely. As a result, you can no longer organize or come together to fight back against your oppressors.

Maddie Morning is here to take a stand against this great injustice against the American people. That’s right! With our help, you can organize, promote, share, and group together!

Maddie Morning News Supports Your Right to Protest!

Maddie Morning News is an organization of Christian values. And we put America first! Where other news and media companies seek to sow disinformation and manipulation, we bring Americans the hard truth. Maddie Morning News won’t lie to you. Instead, we put factual news stories in the hands of the people and let you make your own decisions. So, there isn’t any hidden agenda or ulterior motive behind what we do. Our goal is simple, put American rights and values first. However, that’s not all! We also help Americans in a few other ways. Our website has support for rallies, voting, social discussions and more! So, go with Maddie Morning News for the best American content.

Protest with Maddie Morning

We support your right to protest freely as an American citizen!

While the Left has institutions to support and help their protests, not all Americans have that luxury. That’s why Maddie Morning News is taking a stand! We want your voice to be heard. So, if you’re an American citizen and need to organize or promote your protest movement, you can use our website! You don’t need to worry about Big Tech companies like Facebook or Twitter shutting you down. Your right to freely and openly stand up to protest comes from God!

Maddie Morning News allows Americans to post their demonstration dates, signs, and banners online without the fear of being censored. So, anything you need to do to get your protest going is possible with our safe online space. So, what are you waiting for?

What Do I Need to Post My Protest’s Details on Maddie Morning?

We don’t require a lot from Americans before they can share information on our website! After all, we aren’t looking to steal your data like other media companies. So, what do users have to do to get their protest organized with Maddie Morning? Well, the answer to that is simple. All you need to do is reach the Maddie Morning News team and fill out our form! Then we will get your post up on our website after we ensure it meets our policy standards.

Maddie Morning News will not be responsible for any opinions, videos, comments, etc., posted or shared by our users. In addition, views held by our website users may/do not necessarily reflect the views of our company. Therefore, we shall not be held liable for any content that upsets you. That being said, all shared content must pass our rules for authorization.

Therefore, to ensure your information goes up without any problems, please review our rules and regulations below:

Maddie Morning Protest Rules and Regulations

Any protest we promote needs to adhere to guidelines:

  • Your protest should support a real cause or movement: We do NOT promote any fake or fraudulent content.
  • Profanity usage Our website is for people who have Christian values. This means that we do NOT tolerate any form of profanity!
  • Hate content: We do NOT support hateful movements as people who love and respect God’s will.
  • Maddie Morning News will NOT promote any sexual and vulgar

Please ensure you meet the above criteria to avoid any conflict or action our team may take.